Dr. Gregory Wellenius is Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the Brown University School of Public Health and Director of Brown’s Center for Environmental Health and Technology. His research is focused on quantifying the health impacts of continued climate change and supporting the development of optimal strategies for local adaptation. For example, research by Dr. Wellenius and colleagues documenting the adverse health impacts of extreme heat lead the US National Weather Service changing the guideline criteria for issuing heat advisories across New England. Recognizing the importance of translating research into action, Dr. Wellenius recently served as co-author of the 4th National Climate Assessment recently published by the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and as a member of the Rhode Island Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4) Advisory Board. He also developed and teaches a popular class at Brown on climate and health. Dr. Wellenius is a long-time and engaged member of ISEE, including serving as an elected Councilor, as chair of the ISEE Communications Committee, and as liaison between the Society and its affiliated journals.
The Tony McMichael Award was created in Dr Tony McMichael’s memory to recognize mid-career scientists. Tony, who passed away in 2014, was a world renowned epidemiologist known not only for his scientific work, but also for his compassionate mentoring of junior colleagues. He was President of ISEE from 2008-2009.