PROVIDENCE, RI -- Meghan Cupp, a second year doctoral student in Epidemiology was inducted into the Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health at a ceremony held on April 7th at the Faculty Club, along with 15 other members of the school of public health. Cupp, who studies pharmacoepidemiology and safety outcomes related to medication use in vulnerable populations said it was an honor to be recognized by the society.
"The recent installation of the Epsilon Iota chapter at Brown University reflects the growth of both the School of Public Health and the Department of Epidemiology, an expansion I am excited to be part of," she said.
"Meg was one of only two doctoral students selected for induction in this year's class. She has not only performed at the highest levels in her courses, but has also led numerous publications. As one of the chapter's advisors, I'm proud to recognize her accomplishments as part of this year's class of new members," said Assistant Professor William Goedel, who helped to found Brown's chapter of the group in 2020.
The Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health is a nearly 100 year old organization that recognizes academic excellence in and commitment to the field of public health and has more than 20,000 members spread across 100 institutions. Those selected for the society are chosen through a competitive process.